Taken from the USDA Dietary Guidelines 2010:
“The types of vegetarian diets consumed in the United States vary widely. Vegans do not consume any animal products, while lacto-ovo vegetarians consume milk and eggs. Some individuals eat diets that are primarily vegetarian but may include small amounts of meat, poultry, or seafood.
In prospective studies of adults, compared to non-vegetarian eating patterns, vegetarian-style eating patterns have been associated with improved health outcomes—lower levels of obesity, a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, and lower total mortality. Several clinical trials have documented that vegetarian eating patterns lower blood pressure.
On average, vegetarians consume a lower proportion of calories from fat (particularly saturated fatty acids); fewer overall calories; and more fiber, potassium, and vitamin C than do non-vegetarians. Vegetarians generally have a lower body mass index. These characteristics and other lifestyle factors associated with a vegetarian diet may contribute to the positive health outcomes that have been identiied among vegetarians.””
I work with nutritionist in hospitals. Just an FYI.
I don’t go to restaurants because it’s a waste of money. Even before I went vegan, I hated going out to eat. I prefer cooking my own noms instead.
I don’t have to worry about disgruntled cooks spitting in my food. (McDonald’s cooks don’t get paid enough NOT to spit in your food).
I don’t have to worry about disgruntled cooks spitting in my food. (McDonald’s cooks don’t get paid enough NOT to spit in your food).
The rare occasions I do go out to eat, there ARE vegan options. Speaking of McDonalds, they have oatmeal with fruit instead of a greasy burger made from pig buttholes.
Again, not asking for perfection, but asking people to think vs. mindlessly consuming.
You SAY I’m not helping my cause (you know, the one where I think all life matters, and cruelty is wrong to anything with a conscious, and I won’t pretend something is innocent when it’s not), yet I’ve had messages about people asking the steps of going vegan - so something is working.
Being knowledgeable in the field of marketing, all publicity is good publicity. The fact I got people talking and thinking on this subject, it means I provoked thought and emotions. So woot.
I whine when I go to the meat section. “Nooo isle of deeeaaaath” I exclaim quietly to my hubby. He tells me it ok and we skip that area since we have no purpose being there.
Have you seen the video of baby male chicks being tossed in a grinder alive? You’re ok with that? You love birds, and you’re ok with that? That would be rather twisted. What if it was puppies going into the grinder? How is that different? That’s what flashes in my mind when I see eggs and meat.
I don’t like living in denial and I like to attempt to make a difference in the world, that’s why I help animals when possible.
To rescue an injured pigeon, then eat a chicken, that is the definition of waste.
Consumerism is molded by the consumer and where they put their money. With each person thinking before they consume, slowly changing their habits, companies have to modify to the new trend. Enough people doing something small can turn into something big.
If I came across douchey, that’s your opinion, that’s fine, but I will not apologize for people being offended by something I believe in.
If you’re not attracting attention to yourself, you’re either lying to yourself, or you are a social deviant. By uttering, reposting, and all that jazz, you are attracting attention to yourself. That’s a moot point.
I don’t guilt people. Everyone is responsible for their own emotions, basic psychology. You can’t blame anyone for YOUR FEEEEELINGS because in the end, you are in control of your own emotions, unless you are mentally ill. Then you’re excused.
Anyone can be a called a douche if you have someone that disagrees with someone else. If that makes me a douche, oh well! I’m not going to loose sleep over it.
I stopped caring about what people though of me when I was in high school. My intentions are good, my methods are unusual. I do what I gotta do.
“If you try to please everyone, you’ll end up pleasing no one”
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