Jesus & Horus - Debunked
via bakethatlinguist
These things are so funny. People outside of these religions never read the holy books, historical accounts and source materials. (And conveniently, I see no books, verse numbers, volume numbers or mention of Pyramid/temple reliefs for Horus.) Heck, I bet that the person who made this image hasn’t even read writings by leading “Egyptologists” who have also debunked these claims! And yet, people always want to comment on things that they don’t know about, nor have taken the time to study, in order to discredit and cause confusion. Let me break this down:
1. Isis was not a virgin when she had Horus.
-See Birth Accounts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
-Also research the following: Memphite Theology; Shabaqo Stone; Mystery Play of the Succession; Pyramid Texts from the late Old Kingdom (c 2575-2150 BC); Coffin Texts; Triumph of Horus; Textes relatifs au Mythe d’Horus recueillis dans le Temple d’Edfou (Geneva, 1870); The Temple of Edfu: a guide by an ancient Egyptian priest, Dieter Kurth.
2. Horus’ birthday was in Khoiak, (October/November).
Roman Catholics celebrate Jesus’ birthday as December 25th, because the Roman Catholic church was trying to convert pagans who celebrated Saturnalia to [western] Christianity. Also, most historians and theologians agree that Jesus was born in the Spring around March.
3. The magi who came to see Jesus followed the Eastern star.
No magi attended to Horus. Also, the bible never mentions thespecific number of magi who came to see Jesus, only that they came. Later, people equated the 3 gifts, with three people.
4. How can an Egyptian deity, born of other Egyptian deities, bebrought to his nation of birth?
Remember, the most popular birth account for Horus: Typhon(Set) killed Osiris, chopped his body to bits, and Isis impregnated herself with her dead husband’s pingain order to have Horus.
5. Horus never taught anyone anything in any temple.
Jesus was fulfilling Messianic prophecies, prophecies which are documented and verified to be older than the creation of Horus and the Book of Life/Dead. Whether people believed that Jesus was the messiah is the important part, because it relates back to the fulfillment of Messianic prophecies.
6. LOL. This is just faulty logic.
The ritualistic concept of baptism didn’t exist in Egyptian region(s). Horus was never baptized and Anup the Baptizer is never mentioned in any of the writings about Horus.
7. A disciple is a follower and student of a teacher. There are two ways to go about this,
- Horus never taught anyone. And the 12 disciples that non-educated people like to associate with Horus actually refer to the Zodiac which became associated with him due to him being Lord of the Sky.
- Horus had followers, called Heru-Shemsu who followed him into battle. Not the same thing as a disciple.
8. Performed miracles and walked on water:
There was never any mention of Horus doing things like walking on water, exorcising demons, or raising people from the dead. Asar has a close translation to Lazarus; however, the actual story mentions how Horus tried to raise Osiris from the dead. Didn’t work though. If anyone has taken the time to read the New Testament and/or historical documents by Roman historians, then you’d notice how Christ’s Disciples also did these things as proof of God’s power in order to lead non-believers to God. And even if I didn’t believe in Christ, these sorts of miracles are a given for deities in general, considering that they’re deities.
9. See 9.
10. Things that are also never mentioned in any documents or reliefs about Horus.
11. So, again, with language and context. This is just laziness at this point.
- This took all of 10 seconds: Also Messiah, and several of jesus’ other titles, are words that were used in the prophetic writings that, again, are older than the story of Horus.
- None of these titles were used to refer to Horus, because none of them existed in Egyptian languages. Titles specifically used to refer to Horus are “Lord of the Sky”, “Master of Heaven”, “Avenger of his Father.”
12. Crucified, buried in a tomb and resurrected:
Jesus’s death was documented…by secularists and pagans at that. Horus wasn’t reported to have died at all. There is mention of his merging with Re/Ra the Sun god. So when the sun “dies”, sets, then it rises, is reborn, every day. Not the same thing as a resurrection. The whole point of Jesus dying was to save humanity from our sins and to show God’s mastery over death and life. Which is why Christians believe that Jesus was alive, because he is documented to have physically appeared in front of over 500 people before arising to heaven. Is the creator of this image even trying at this point?
Let’s be serious here: there are over 42 sources for [historical] Jesus, during and after Jesus’ death, both by secular and non-secular writers. There are only about 10 sources for Caesar in the same time period. And yet no one doubts his existence.
Hmm. I wonder why that is.
(And on a side note, there was more than one deity named Horus. And no, Krishna, Buddha, Zoroaster, Mithras, Attis, and Dionysus-Bacchus are not “Christ figures.” Buddha was a REAL person who’s life was documented as well!)
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