Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Marketing Notes


How do you anticipate your customers’ needs? What value are you creating beyond your product or service? How are you differentiating yourself from your competitors?

All customers need help with something, and it is up to you to find out in what other ways you can help. Simple questions like “What are your biggest challenges right now?” or “In a perfect world, what would your company look like?” can reveal tons of information on how you can help them.

Each time you can help your customers beyond your products and services, you increase your value and your customers’ loyalty to you. This is the start of becoming their trusted Advisor, which is the ultimate relationship you can have with a customer. Imagine having customers calling you to get your input on how to better their company!

Here are some tips on how to get started with the customers you already have:
  1.  Call them and book a meeting with them (in person if possible).
  2.  At the meeting, tell them that your highest priority is to help them become successful in any way that you can.
  3.  Ask them what you are doing well and how you can improve (or other ways you could help).
  4.  Ask them about their biggest challenges right now.
  5.  Identify what kind of contacts could be useful for them.
  6.  Identify their sales process to their customers and see if you can help them in any way.
  7.  Identify their ultimate customer and look in your contacts to see if you can find new customers for them.
  8.  Make sure they use your product or service in the most productive way. Spend a day or two with them. (This will also help you identify other areas where you could possibly help.)
  9.  Make sure your personal relationship is as strong as it could be.
  10.  Identify areas where you can help your customer in his/her personal life.
Do this and there will never be a reason for your customers to ever look at your competitors again.


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